Selling China: Foreign Direct Investment During the Reform Era (Cambridge Modern China Series) Review

Selling China: Foreign Direct Investment During the Reform Era (Cambridge Modern China Series)
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Selling China: Foreign Direct Investment During the Reform Era (Cambridge Modern China Series) ReviewI find Prof Huang's "Selling China" much more than just an academic achievement which it is -- with its disciplined arguments supported by a wealth of well-researched facts.
After 18 years of working on the Greater China scene -- most of it foreign investment related, for me, the greatest value of the book is its main theme -- that the large inflow of FDI over the years reflects weaknesses rather than strengths of the Chinese system. It is not just another point of view in the already overcrowded gallery of China commentary. For me, the well-argued and well-researched "unconventional" view answers some of the key China investment related questions at a very practical level, and should have important implications for government policy making and corporate decision making alike.Selling China: Foreign Direct Investment During the Reform Era (Cambridge Modern China Series) Overview

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