Little China;: The Annamese lands, Review

Little China;: The Annamese lands,
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Little China;: The Annamese lands, ReviewFor those interested in the history of Vietnam, of WWII, French, Chinese, Japanese, or Vietnamese history...this book is an amazing find. It is beautifully written: it coveys all of the romance of the explorer's tale of the exotic east and the end of the colonial era ~ you can almost taste the quinine in your gin and tonic, see the ripples on the moonlit river from your colonial balcony, and hear the ancient "Annamese" city bustling below.
Yet there is nothing to make the educated modern reader cringe. Brodrick expresses little, if any, of the ignorantly dismissive attitude that so often mars these old books. He has a curious and generous spirit and appreciates the cultural, racial, and historic diversity he discovers on his travels through French Indochina in the early 1940s.
He calls Little China a "travel book" but it is quite a bit more. It is a serious book as well as a genuinely enjoyable read. I feel that I've stumbled upon a gem, too long lost in the library. I came home and found a few on Amazon and snatched one up and recommend you do the same.
Little China;: The Annamese lands, Overview

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