The Rise of China: Essays on the Future Competition Review

The Rise of China: Essays on the Future Competition
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The Rise of China: Essays on the Future Competition ReviewMy major interests in China involve the sustainability of the worldwide global economic system. The questions I wanted answered by this book were: "Can China continue to grow at the rate it has?"; "What internal issues such as pollution and population growth would interfere with or impede China's progress, and can they be effectively addressed?"; "Why does China continue to lend large sums to the West in support of potentially disastrous economic policies, and is there a trigger which would cause them to stop?"; "How healthy is Chinese society and it's economy?"; "How do the Chinese people perceive the U.S.?"
Except for the last essay which has some demographic information, none of my questions were answered with any satisfaction. The book is focused mainly on geopolitical posturing and how the U.S. should position itself relative to a strengthening regional Chinese military presence. It is reminiscent of Cold War thinking.The Rise of China: Essays on the Future Competition Overview

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