The Huainanzi: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Government in Early Han China (Translations from the Asian Classics) Review

The Huainanzi: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Government in Early Han China (Translations from the Asian Classics)
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The Huainanzi: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Government in Early Han China (Translations from the Asian Classics) ReviewThis book took over ten years to complete, and the dedication of the authors is clear from the first page. The introduction to the Huainanzi is clear and nuanced, and would be appropriate for scholars of China and also those who know little about the field. The translation of the text is splendid: it shows that the original text was not simply a text but was also poetry. The footnotes are carefully crafted and useful for the reader. The introduction to (almost) each chapter is a very useful tool for the reader unfamiliar with the material. Even though the chapters were translated by different scholars, I was also impressed with how consistent the translations were written. The only criticism I have with the structure is the addition of Chapter sections. I think the introduction to the chapters is sufficient for smooth reading.
The text of the Huainanzi itself is fascinating. The purpose of the book was to aid the emperor with rulership, and so it is filled with advice, knowledge about the cosmos, and strategic designs. It was compiled by Liu An during the Han dynasty and is thus composed of information from a variety of sources--thus it has often been described as an "encyclopedia." Actually, one can see from the translation that there is an agenda within the text: an agenda for how to properly rule China.
Aside from the topic of rule, the Huainanzi includes a great deal of philosophical material on the cosmos and how humans fit into the Way (dao). There is a detailed description of the formation of the cosmos and its eventual transformation. Chapter 3 is dedicated to astronomy and astrology. Time and space, yin and yang, human consciousness--all covered in the first half of the text. The second half is dedicated to rule, but these philosophical concepts are still at the core of such discussions.
All in all, I believe this book is essential for all scholars of China. The Huainanzi was greatly influential throughout later periods of Chinese history, and so gaining a clear understanding of the principles held within is important. But even nonspecialists have much to gain from the Huainanzi, especially if they are interested in early philosophy.The Huainanzi: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Government in Early Han China (Translations from the Asian Classics) Overview

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