Understanding Chinese Families: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Southeast China Review

Understanding Chinese Families: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Southeast China
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Understanding Chinese Families: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Southeast China ReviewTwo erudite scholars from Taiwan has undertaken an intensive research on Chinese families in Taiwan and Southeast China. The key objective of this book is to explore homogeneity and heterogeneity of Chinese families in both regions and how Chinese families are different with their counterparts in western societies.
This book has made significant contribution to the study of Chinese families in the contemporary era.
First, Chu and Yu have maintained that family behavior is a function of different endogenous and exogenous variables such as culture-bound values, institutional environment, and individual choices. For example, lineage preservation and proliferation, child education, filial piety that are key culture-bound values in both Chinese societies influence why parents have preference for sons and how they behave in terms of inter vivos or post mortem asset transfers to their children, parental influences in determining children's marriage, and upward monetary transfer from the children to their parents. Moreover, modernization process and government policies can generate dislocations in traditional family values an behavior such as reproduction, average ages of married females, family size (i.e. nuclear, stem, joint, and joint-stem family), and gender equality. The promulgation of one-child policy and marriage law and the introduction of household registration system in mainland China have diminished the dominant of extended families and improved women's right and their social roles.
Second, the research findings have revealed that Chinese families in Taiwan and Southeast China are part homogenous and part heterogeneous. For example, the family power structure in Southeast China is akin to US and Europe whereas families in Taiwan is closer to their counterparts in Japan. The degree of parental influences in determining children's marriage is homogeneous in Taiwan and Southeast China. Earlier scholarly works on families have failed to account for diversity of family behaviour in different Chinese regions and this book can fill the gap in this research domain.
Third, this book contains abundant longitudinal family data (quantitative) of both Chinese regions and explication of different family theories propounded by Baker, Goode, Wolf, Whyte, and Greenhalgh which help readers to understand enduring and changing features of Chinese family behavior in both regions and how the current family theories can be partially or wholly applicable to families in both Chinese regions.
This book is highly recommended to readers who wants to understand family behaviors in both Chinese regions and to social science researchers from different disciplinary fields (anthropology, sociology, socio-psychology, and economics) who can used this book as a supplementary document to compare homogeneity and heterogeneity of Chinese families with their counterparts in western societies.
Understanding Chinese Families: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Southeast China Overview

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