Minor Heresies, Major Departures: A China Mission Boyhood (Philip E.Lilienthal Books) Review

Minor Heresies, Major Departures: A China Mission Boyhood (Philip E.Lilienthal Books)
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Minor Heresies, Major Departures: A China Mission Boyhood (Philip E.Lilienthal Books) ReviewJohn Espey's memoirs of his Shanghai boyhood are a finely done portrait of a moment in history. He expresses, with a wry humor, his "view of things" as a child, a view which contrasts with those of the adults around him. His disagreement with the Western perspective and Protestant missionary outlook that formed the backdrop to his life in Shanghai before WW II is recorded in civil tones; he gives people credit for good intentions and does not denigrate their sometimes misguided efforts. Espey's memories are a delightful entry into cross-cultural psychology--by one who knows what that term really means.Minor Heresies, Major Departures: A China Mission Boyhood (Philip E.Lilienthal Books) Overview

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