Fuzhou Protestants and the Making of a Modern China, 1857-1927 Review

Fuzhou Protestants and the Making of a Modern China, 1857-1927
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Fuzhou Protestants and the Making of a Modern China, 1857-1927 ReviewAmong Western historical works on Christianity in China, there are few that sufficiently address the perspective and experience of Chinese Christians and their role in the emergence of modern China. Dunch's book (a revised and expanded version of his dissertation) is a remarkable exception. Having marshaled an impressive body of research, Dunch sets out to account for the curious role of Chinese Protestants in the making of modern of China. From their disproportionate numbers among political and social elites during the late Qing and Republican Era to the part they played in many of the social reform movements of the first half of the twentieth century as well as the careful balancing act that many of them had to perform as they walked a precarious line between the too often paternalistic missionary and denominational foreign leadership and the Chinese populace whom they served. Dunch's grass roots social history brings out life in Republican China in vivid color. With this work, Dunch has made a strong claim as the rightful successor to Daniel Bays as the preeminent Western scholar of Christianity in China.Fuzhou Protestants and the Making of a Modern China, 1857-1927 Overview

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