American Wheels, Chinese Roads: The Story of General Motors in China Review

American Wheels, Chinese Roads: The Story of General Motors in China
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American Wheels, Chinese Roads: The Story of General Motors in China ReviewWhile the story of GM in China might not appeal to everyone, this book surely will. The book is a well written novel with an eccentric cast of characters. I found myself laughing out loud at least once every chapter and simply couldn't put it down.
The book is filled with stories and anecdotes about doing business in China that are both hilarious and educational.
"Chinese people are very careful with accounts. They watch the money. Someone has to pay for things, and the Chinese always prefer that someone to be someone else.
'Keep the Change,' an expression so familiar to Americans, would sound naive or idiotic (or both) to the average Chinese. To them, money is still a scarce resource. You don't just let someone keep the change."
It is very refreshing to hear the story not from an academic perspective, but from someone who speaks and reads Chinese and has built and operated a business in China and S.E. Asia for over 20 years. The book screams of the challenges, pain and daily grind of building a business in China. From the day you hail a taxi, to navigating the government regulation to the endless changing of the rules and goalposts, Mr. Dunne describes competing inside China as "a street fight with a veneer of civility". Anyone who has never done business in China will find themselves saying over and over and over again "That doesn't seem fair."
The U.S. Government should read Mr. Dunne's three policy recommendations with regard to the Chinese selling their cars in America.
Will GM prevail in the long run? (I sincerely doubt it - but I look forward to reading the follow-up).American Wheels, Chinese Roads: The Story of General Motors in China Overview

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