The Problem of China Review

The Problem of China
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The Problem of China ReviewRussell explained in depth the power balance in China among British, French, Russia, US, Germany, and Japan in the late 19th century and early 20th century. As a peace lover, Russell disgusted at the Japanese invasion and control in China. He was able to explain the root cause of the Japanese aggression using the Race, Culture, Religion, and Industry development factors. As he stated the Chinese culture could not incubate aggression as contrary to the Japanese culture. Since the Far East culture root is deep and usually carries along for centuries, I believe his view still holds true in the 21st century. This book also explained the possibility of a 'Red China' in 1922. Because Russia was a traditional enemy of Japan in the Far East, Russell thought Russia would have a huge impact on 'Young China' because "one's enemy's enemy is usually a friend". I was so much impressed by Russell's social analysis and insightful thought on China. I wish he were still alive today so he could educate the Westerns about who is the true peace loving people in the Far East.The Problem of China Overview

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